It is on my "bucket list: -- when I am ready to kick the bucket, I'll go there to get the job done.
a lot of bad things are happening there lately.
people on vacation are mysteriously dying or getting violently ill. i’ve been there three times in the past.
the first time it was great!
It is on my "bucket list: -- when I am ready to kick the bucket, I'll go there to get the job done.
amber recently published a book about her ex-jw experiences in china.
Wolfy posted THIS 6 years ago!
please see
Wolfy posted THIS 6 years ago!
please see
Sorry - Room 215 posted this a couple of days ago here:
Please support that thread.
please see
does anyone know?
did jw's ever believe that animals will live forever in the paradise?
i was having a discussion with a jw friend and he said they did..
I am confident that the bacon I had with breakfast will live again...
on the other hand, maybe its just repeating on me. Is two pounds et at one sitting EXCESSIVE?
i was doing some browsing today on and discovered a very thought provoking point.
the fact is that the flood of noah's day does not stand up to scientific scrutiny or common sense.
this becomes all the more apparent when considering an ancient story like the epic of gilgamesh.
Maybe Jesus was REAL and he was "talking in code," as if to say,
"C'mon, you MORONS! You know this was JUST A STORY, right? Don't you? Oh, PUL-EEZE, for the love of me, LISTEN TO THE ALBUM, MAN!"
[with apologies to Sam Kinison]
is god responsible for every good thing that happens in your life?
i ask this because a brother gave a talk several weeks ago and said that.
he said when anything positive happens, we must not assume it was by mere coincidence, but we have to have 100% confidence that jehovah cares for us and was involved.. however, people complain that jehovah doesn’t answer their prayers and are told you have to keep asking, you need to show him you really want it bad.
Thanks, PunkOfNice, that was excellent!
i just came across a pair of jw's on ebay who are flogging off nearly 2000 "religious" items.. is it just me, or are jw's hypocrites when they make cash by selling old light publications which now contain "wrong teachings," or much worse, by selling books etc.
which were created by members of apostate christendom and contain teachings which contradict their self-appointed "faithful slave?
is there a bible example/principle here?.
Sparky1, I *think* the seller might be
because they seen to match the description. Have FUN and HAPPY shopping!
ja2 replies4 retweets12 likes.
I found the answer to the question I asked above:
Watchtower Baptismal Requirements
Prior to 1951 - Baptism as a Christian in any religion, provided by full water immersion. (What Pastor Russell Said pp.35,36)
1955 to 1985 - Baptised by Watchtower Representative to Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
1985 onwards - Baptised by Watchtower Representative to Father, Son and the Organization (w85 6/1 p.30)
Baptismal questions from the Watchtower 1956 Jul 1 p.407:
(1) Have you recognized yourself before Jehovah God as a sinner who needs salvation, and have you acknowledged to him that this salvation proceeds from him the Father through his Son Jesus Christ?
(2) On the basis of this faith in God and in his provision for salvation, have you dedicated yourself unreservedly to God to do his will henceforth as he reveals it to you through Jesus Christ and through the Bible under the enlightenment of the holy spirit?"
This was in effect until it was changed in the Watchtower 1966 Aug 1 p.465.